20 Free Learning Websites to Improve Yourself in Free Time
Bored at home? Staying at home due to the Covid-19 pandemic? Its a good time for self improvement, enhancing your living skills and in-take some useful knowledge will definitely help you a lot in future unexpectedly. I would like to share part of my collection with you guys, I just picked some of them which are the best and useful websites from my favorite collection.
Best for language learning, absorb inspiration, creativity training, study other people works, read about latest technology & hot fashion, trendy product discovery and enroll free online courses.
- Duolingo — The best online language learning website, 36 languages available. Very attractive learning process, with tons of cute graphic and interactive game-like EXP progressive style. Easy learning with quick dictionary and friendly forum discussion. I believe you will get addicted by the achievements system (Collect badges) and keep learning your favorite languages until become a pro one day.
- Dribbble — The World №1 designer’s community platform, it is a great place for you to learn about design and improve your creativity thinking. Many design masters are sharing their cool works here.
- Pinterest — One of the most informative website for you to learn and explore. Its equiped with powerful AI image recognition technology in showing related results. What you need to do is just enter a keyword, it will give you tons of useful and related information that come with interesting pictures.
- Behance — The largest graphic and product showcase website in the World, you may learn a lot of awesome skills by studying other people creative works in photography, illustrator, graphic design, video editing, fashion, product design, architecture, fine art, advertising and more.
- ZCool — This is a huge China-based creative showcase platform, quite similar to Behance. Wide range of creative works uploaded everyday in graphic design, UI, web, illustration, animation, photography, 3D, film, handicraft, arts and fashion.
- Logopond — A cool logo gallery website for you to learn how to design a perfect logo, brand and identity. No matter you are a designer or business owner, this site able to provide you a lots of unexpected branding inspiration.
- 500px — How to be a pro photographer? What they called it ‘The World largest photographer community’. You can learn and improve your photo shooting skill by studying the others, up to 15 million photographers from all over the World. Learn about their shooting angles, colors, brightness, balance, colors, distance, object position, sharpness, blurriness, background, etc.
- CNU — A small photographer’s community with high quality and professional photo uploaded everyday.
- Hoolay — A China based artworks trading platform, you may study and learn ink painting from more than thoudsands of professional painters. Some painting are quite creative and contain interesting story, you will gain much when viewing on this site.
- Vogue — The World leading fashion information network, providing the latest fashion trend and hottest fashion news around the World. At here, you can learn eveything about beauty, lifestyle, catwalk and arts.
- Who What Wear — Everything you want know about trendy fashion and beauty tips, there are here! A story based fashion platform, you can read, ask or purchase products directly. It have latest news about celebrity, entertainment, red carpet and covers. Up-to-date beauty tips on hair style, skin care, make-up and nail decorations.
- Harpers Bazaar — Another popular Fashion magazine for you to learn the latest and hottest fashion today.
- MIT Open Courseware — This is a huge education website which is providing wide range of free online courses in languages, business, anthropology, architecture, political science, comparative media studies & writing, management, linguistics & philosophy and more. All the course materials are free to download such as the lecturer slides. You may watch lecturer videos to start learning also.
- Stanford online — You may enroll proper free courses at here, there are providing many free courses available all the time as long as you have free time to enroll them. If you would like to proceed to advance course you may get into paid course too.
- Coursera — The World largest free online courses platform. There are providing courses of the world’s top colleges and millions of people enrolled their courses. Courses available in business, data science, personal development, language learning, computer science, information technology, health, math and logic, physical science & engineering, social and arts.
- EDX — Another high quality online free courses platform organized by World Top universities like MIT, Harvard, Berkeley, Hong Kong Polytechnic, Curtin, Queensland and Boston university. Up to 2500+ online courses from 140 Worldwide institutions waiting for you to access today.
- Khan Academy — A full age range online education website, providing free and world class courses for anyone, no matter you are a kid, teenager, adult or senior.
- The Next Web — The leading technology news and media website, anything about TECH you may find them at here. It is a very useful and handy application.
- Wired — The best trendy media in the World. You can learn tons of up-to-date knowledge about gears, new ideas, technology, DIY stuff, business, culture, science, transportation and more. I love the Gear section very much!
- Medium — The World largest article based platform, millions of useful articles waiting for you to find out by entering a keyword on the search bar.
That’s it! Hope you guys love this. If you like it kindly press on the clap button to support me, appreciated. Anyway, please leave a comment if you have any suggestions to share with me. I will be happy to see your comment. I have already stay at home nearly a month, until today there is total twenty thousand dead cases and more than a million infected cases recorded. Let’s pray for the Coronavirus’s vaccine release asap to stop this horrible invisible enemy.
Take care and be safe my friend…
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