50 IQ Test Questions that Train your Brain Smarter Part 5, Observation Ability Test
Here you are the IQ Test part 5 questions 41–50. Finally you have reached the last ten IQ questions. Some of my friends asking me why I so like to deal with all these brain teasing questions? One of the most important reason to play with brain teasing questions is to increased your brain’s RPM. RPM is representing Processing Speed in common casual speaking use, its origin is car engine technical term Revolutions Per Minute.
Looking for previous part 4 questions 31–40?
41. Replacement of B
Example below is a 16 grid square combined without using B part, there is another combination using B part and without using one of them from A, C, D or E. So which is it?
42. Expert Exchanger
If 2 kg of oil can exchange 5 kg of meat, 7 kg of meat can exchange 12 kg of fish, and 10 kg of fish can exchange 21 kg of beans, so how many kg of oil can exchange for 27 kg of beans?
43. Three Fruits
Total 3 types of fruit in the boxes below, but which fruit should put inside the box with question mark?
44. Arrows Graph
Find the correct arrows graph for the 4th section.
45. The Folded Nasi Lemak Paper
Which is the correct folded version? Start from the Nasi Lemak paper below.
46. Step by Step All the Time
Start walking from A to B, you must walk across each boxes without jumping, skipping or repeating.
47. The Faucets Control
How many water-taps need to be turned ON to let water flow into the bucket?
48. Expand the Pool
Find a way to double the area of the pool, but keep it square and cannot change the position of trees.
49. The Missing Card
Think about the pattern algorithm, which card should be replaced on the question mark?
50. Papa’s Watermelon
Papa said he can cut this watermelon in 15 slices with only 4 cuts, can you?
You are done! you have completed the final session of Observation Ability Test, hope you enjoy the brain training questions. Sharing is caring, share this post to your friends and family and ask them to have some training also, they might be happy to see your shares.
Checkout the answers from MKI’s blog.
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